Get 16 signals into your PLC or SCADA system
If you need to collate multiple signal input types and route them to your PLC or SCADA system, choose the Zen RTU. This exceptionally flexible and powerful monitoring and control station is the last word in RTU technology.
Enjoy the flexibility of universal inputs
The Zen RTU accepts TC, RTD, mA, mV, V, Frequency and Counter. This means you can reduce the number of separate instruments you need for your application, keeping things simple for maintenance and troubleshooting.
Cleans up noise
Each of the Zen RTU channels is isolated so there’s zero cross-talk.
Set up in just minutes
No calibration and simple software set up with WorkBench.
Files for connecting to Rockwell Automation hardware
057F000C00C90100 [EDS file], 05-Jul-2016 | (74 KB)
Zen Mapping EDSAOP [L5X file], 05-Jul-2016 | (91 KB)
Zen Mapping Generic [L5X File], 05-Jul-2016 | (91 KB)
Watch how to connect the Zen RTU EtherNet/IP™ to a Logix Controller and FactoryTalk View HMI »